Reasons for Coaching
Why might we need an executive coach?
This section is intended to show you how executive coaching process benefit your life right now and into the future. Think of coaching as a ‘stock take’ intended to realign your core being, values, resources and talents with your next actions so that you can achieve what you want in the longer term. This orienting of your ‘here and now’ actions with your desired direction is the central focus of coaching. However, the process requires that you understand your longer perspective and so the work typically starts there. With this dual focus to guide your coaching sessions, are you ready to move towards the tomorrow that works best for you?
+ Balancing your work life with your family life
This area of life is the greatest importance but is often is relegated to the bottom of the list. Too often this lack of prioritising results in stress, anxiety and depression as your work life falls short of delivering all you expected it would and your relationship with your ‘self’ and your family pays the ultimate price. Because executive coaching takes the “whole-person” into account, your personal goals always guide and direct the work.
+ Getting started in your career – early executives
Coaching will guide you to start your career. Considering the corporate environment, consideration can be given to planning & prioritizing, goal setting, managing the management and personal branding. However, best results are achieved by you reflecting on the type of executive you want to be, mentalising about the mind-set of those with whom you work and recognising the type of culture that works best for you. In this way, your work life will enable you to work in your natural flow as often as possible so that you effortlessly excel.
+ Moving forward with your career development after you’ve gained a foothold – mid-level executives
At this stage you may want to accelerate your career growth. Coaching can help you clarify your ambitions and envisage your options for moving forward. You may also be challenged by increased responsibility for people management. By focussing on this role change and effective communication in the corporate world, coaching can help you balance your key tasks and people orientations while also maintaining your own core values.
+ Taking on new roles that involve management and leadership
As you move into more senior executive roles, your focus will shift from management to leadership. However, you may be struggling with the mind-set change from tactical thinking to strategic thinking, managing risk taking and ensuring that your actions are still aligned with your longer term goals and values.
+ Managing change in any area of your career or role
Managing change is a central focus area of executive coaching and important to success at any stage of the career. This is where the coaching process can be so valuable as it challenges you to widen your perspective and look for the opportunities in every change situation.
+ Building your skills as communicator to optimise your interactions with people (including handling bullying)
Communication skills are fundamental requirements for professional success. The two essential masteries are being an active listener and a good communicator using both verbal and non-verbal cues. Both of these elements can be developed through executive coaching at any stage in your career. Working with people also involves learning how to be a good team player. The skillset required involves constructive attitude, building rapport, being able to accept roles and responsibilities and aligning personal goals with team goals.