Group Therapy
What is group therapy?
Group therapy facilitates moving beyond 1-to-1 of individual treatment to uniquely capture the experience of interpersonal relationships and social interactions. These sessions are intended to harness the power of the ‘here-and-now’ so that you can experience giving and receiving meaningful feedback and facilitate your development of more adaptive interpersonal skills.
How would group therapy benefit me?
The benefits include gaining these social skills in a supportive environment where participants are encouraged to risk self-disclosure safely. In a mutually supportive context, other group members can share their journey and model their enacted changes.
How can I access group therapy?
In my practice, I combine bi-weekly groups of approximately six individuals with a schedule for individual therapy that works best for each person. This interpersonal group is limited to 12 sessions held bi-weekly for six months. Groups are typically held on a Wednesday evening (7:30 pm - 9:00 pm) starting in spring and autumn.
Now, it’s your turn.
Currently, all interpersonal groups are drawn from my existing client base and are full. However, new groups will be forming, so if you are interested in group therapy, please get in touch via the online form. In particular, as new groups may address specific issues, please provide additional information about the problem you are experiencing. Most importantly, please ensure you access 1-to-1 support for any issue impacting your daily living.